The foundation laying ceremony of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple was concluded amid great fanfare by the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi amid protests from different factions of the political classes. The ruling party countered the allegations of communal politics being played by the PM by saying that Mr. Narendra attended the function in his individual capacity and that every individual living in India was free to practice his or her faith irrespective of the position he or she holds in government or otherwise.
Although the voices against the PM laying the foundation stone have become mild, the criticism of the Ayodhya verdict by the supreme court in the favor of the Hindu petitioners is being contested even now with great zeal. Our effort is to put facts related to the case on the table and provide simple explanations to all the factors that might have resulted in the verdict being in favor of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple. We will be doing this through a series of articles each of which in turn will be dealing with different aspects of the case.