Month: December 2008

  • WordPress 2.7 is available !

    WordPress 2.7 is available! I have read this message over and over on my wordpress blog’s admin pages. Today i wanted to explore what is new on the latest version of the blogging engine the world relies on for their hassle free blogging needs. I just tried some of the features of the administration panel […]

  • Pakistani Terror Groups Disappear

    One Pakistani newspaper had recently reported that the major Jihadi groups in Pakistan have disappeared. All their offices have been found either closed or shifted. Many of the Jihadis are either hiding or are absconding. They are not issuing any statements against the actions taken by the Pakistani police and army against the Lashkar -e-Toiba. […]

  • Barak Obama and India

    Barak Obama the President Elect for the United States of America is being shown as a no nonsense person by the US Media and the world media is lapping up the story. But is that totally true in all the senses of the War on Terror? Barak Obama has in public given statements that he […]

  • The Future of Blogging – for the New bloggers

    what about the novices who have started on the blogging scene recently – they must take the path well trodden by the stars of the blogosphere. They must increase their popularity through traditional media i.e the traditional text blogs whether it is a free service like blogger or wordpress or Vox or a paid hosting using the traditional blogging software with fine templates that are again available for free. Then they can go on to having professionally designed themes, Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and link building for rising up the ranking among the bloggers.

  • India – going the Lean Way

    This term ‘Lean Management’ was coined after a study conducted by the MIT research team as it found out that the TPS was based on the basic principle of taking maximum output by wasting the minimum resources. So, Lean Management basically means reducing waste from all the walks of work involved in the work place. Given the records of the Indian Manufacturing Industry, their resource utilization has always been among the lowest worldwide. This is the primary reason for the Indian Manufacturing Industry being left behind the competition in many sectors although the quality of products are at par with others in many cases.